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All aspects of meteorology are based upon a world-wide 24-hour clock called Zulu time (Z), more commonly called Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You will notice all weather maps, radar, and satellite images all have their time expressed in "Z". The Zulu term stems from military usage while Coordinated Universal Time is the civilian term for this 24-hour clock.
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The origin of these time zones began in the mid 1800's in England. In 1852 the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England began transmitting time telegraphically and just three years later became the standard time in most of Great Britain. Also, charts and maps were made with reference to the observatory as the "zero" or prime meridian.
Over the next few decades a number of locations around the world had developed their own meridians as reference points. The Greenwich meridian was the most popular of these in part due to the reputation for reliability and correctness of the Greenwich Observatory's publications of navigational data.
In 1884, a conference in Washington, D.C. settled the matter where it was agreed to establish a single "prime" meridian (0 longitude), passing through Greenwich. This was for both for longitude and timekeeping. This 0 meridian divides the Eastern from the Western Hemisphere. Today, one can visit the Royal Observatory and straddle this 0 meridian with one foot in each hemisphere.
With the 360 daily rotation of the earth, the sun is moving 15 each hour which leads to the formation of 24 time zones. However, today the individual zone boundaries are no longer straight, nor are they always continuous, as they have been modified for convenience and to satisfy the desires of sovereign nations.
Time zone offsets are identified as -12 UTC through 0 to +12 UTC with the minus values signifying time "before" or ahead of prime meridian (which is the Western Hemisphere). At the meeting of the -12 and +12 time zones is the International Date Line.
Moving west across the International Date Line one moves from the -12 UTC time zone to the +12 UTC time zone. This means you advance the clock 24 hours; in essence you advance one day on the calendar. Moving east across the International Date Line means subtracting 24 hours from the clock thereby reversing one day on the calendar.
The 24-hour clock (Z-time) begins at midnight (00Z) at this prime meridian. 00Z for the United States begins in the evening local time. Z-time does not change with the change for daylight saving time but the local time will change. For example, 00Z in the Central STANDARD Time is at 6:00 p.m. but 00Z occurs at 7:00 p.m. in Central DAYLIGHT SAVING Time.
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Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A FeaturePaper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook forfuture research directions and describes possible research applications.
Breen, K.H.; James, S.C.; White, J.D.; Allen, P.M.; Arnold, J.G. A Hybrid Artificial Neural Network to Estimate Soil Moisture Using SWAT+ and SMAP Data. Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 2020, 2, 283-306.
Breen, Katherine H., Scott C. James, Joseph D. White, Peter M. Allen, and Jeffery G. Arnold. 2020. "A Hybrid Artificial Neural Network to Estimate Soil Moisture Using SWAT+ and SMAP Data" Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 2, no. 3: 283-306.
A .zip or .rar file is a file that stores and compresses one or more other files. Recently, I tried downloading albums from my Flickr account, but I often received the same error message when opening the .zip file: Unexpceted end of archive. Very frustrating; the message was still there even after redownloading that zip file.
There is, however, a solution. This will explain the solution when using WinRar, but it should also work in other popular file archive programs. Also, this error message can appear on various archive filetypes, including .rar, .zip, .tar, .tar.gz
You will then be asked in what folder the repaired archive should be saved. Choose a folder. The archive type should be the same as the file extension of the original file (so if it is a .zip file, choose ZIP and for a .rar. choose Rar). Click OK.
Pokémon Ultra Sun (Japanese: ポケットモンスター ウルトラサン Pocket Monsters Ultra Sun) and Pokémon Ultra Moon (Japanese: ポケットモンスター ウルトラムーン Pocket Monsters Ultra Moon) are the second paired versions of Generation VII and are the upper games of Pokémon Sun and Moon, respectively, featuring an alternate storyline. The games are available on the Nintendo 3DS.
The games were announced worldwide on June 6, 2017, at 11 pm JST through Nintendo Direct. The paired versions were released worldwide on November 17, 2017. All copies of the game are playable in nine languages: Japanese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
The game begins with a video call made by Professor Kukui to the player. Professor Kukui helps create a Trainer Passport for the player before they and the mother move from Kanto to Alola. Meanwhile, at roughly the same time, a young girl is seen escaping what seems to be a lab with an unidentified Pokémon in her bag. As she gets sandwiched between the workers from the lab on one side and alien-looking people in strange uniforms on the other, the Pokémon teleports itself and the girl away from the lab and away from danger.
Three months later, the player, along with the mother and Meowth, are enjoying their new home on Melemele Island. While taking a stroll on Route 1, the player gets attacked by a wild Yungoos, only for a Rowlet, Litten and Popplio to suddenly arrive on the scene and scare it off. Professor Kukui soon joins the player and explains these Pokémon are supposed to be given out as starter Pokémon on behalf of the island kahuna Hala. Excited by what he just saw, he decides to give the player one of the three Pokémon right away. Before arriving to Iki Town, Professor Kukui and the player run into Hala's grandson Hau, who immediately takes a liking to the player. Of the two remaining starter Pokémon, Hau chooses the one that is weak to the player's starter and challenges the player to a battle.
As the player, Professor Kukui and Hau reach Iki Town, the kahuna is nowhere to be found, so Kukui sends the player to the Mahalo Trail in hopes of finding the kahuna. On the trail, the player spots the girl that escaped the lab and follows her to the Plank Bridge.
The Pokémon that the girl was holding escapes her bag as they reach the Plank Bridge, happy about the new environment it is in. Suddenly, a flock of Spearow attack the defenseless Pokémon, leaving the girl worrying and asking the player to save her friend Nebby. As she asks this, one of the Spearow rushes towards the player, making the chosen starter save the day again. Once the Spearow is dealt with, the player rushes in and guards Nebby from further harm before Nebby uses its power to destroy the bridge. Before the player and Nebby fall to their doom, Tapu Koko flies through the Spearow and bring the pair back to safely. Thankful for rescuing Nebby, the girl gives the player a Sparkling Stone that appeared after Tapu Koko's departure.
The player and the girl then return to Iki Town and get greeted by Kukui. Kukui introduces the girl as his lab assistant, Lillie, before the kahuna, Hala, returns from resolving a problem on the island. After Lillie explains the encounter she and the player had with Tapu Koko, Hala gets touched by the moment. Kukui then gives the player a Pokédex and sends them to their mother to show off the new Pokémon. Before the player leaves, Hala notices the sparkling stone and asks if he could borrow it, to which the player obliges, before inviting the player to a festival the following day.
The next day, Kukui stops by the player's house again and takes him to Route 1 so he can teach them how to catch Pokémon. Kukui then lets the player train before going to the festival. Before reaching the festival, the player runs into the alien-looking people who seem preoccupied by auras surrounding Iki Town. They briefly talk to the player before leaving.
At the festival, Hala and Kukui reveal that it is an event where Pokémon battles are held in honor of the Guardian Pokémon in Alola. Hau and the player battle once again in honor of Tapu Koko, and this time the entire town watches, including Lillie, the player's mother, and Meowth. After Tapu Koko approves of the battling, Hala returns the sparkling stone, which is now converted into a Z-Power Ring. Hala explains the Z-Power Ring's powers and the Z-Crystals that can only be acquired by participating in the island challenge, where the player must travel to all four of Alola's islands to become the island challenge champion. Afterward, the player then returns home to prepare for the next day.
The next day, Lillie visits the player and the two head to Kukui's lab. In the lab, Kukui upgrades the player's Pokédex into a Rotom Pokédex and explains more about the island challenge, which includes taking trials and getting recognized by each island kahuna. As the three leave the lab, the sky momentarily darkens. Kukui dismisses the event as an unforeseen eclipse. 041b061a72