Cardfight!! Vanguard (2018)
While the series concluded on November 28th 2020 and was succeeded by overDress on April 3rd 2021. The V series received a new spin-off anime called mini vanguard Large on July 6th 2021, which is a omake-style anime which features Selka assembling the four protagonist (Aichi, Shinemon, Emi and Chrono) in order to make the planet Aniversario and enjoyable place for everyone.
Cardfight!! Vanguard (2018)
Tropes that apply to Cardfight Vanguard V. Adapted Out: Various aspects and characters from the original series have been removed. The Void entity is completely absent. As such, the Star-vaders, most notably Chaos Breaker, are absent as well, the Deletors and Star Hulks of Planet Brandt taking their place.
The Asia Circuit is relegated to mostly off-screen. As a result, the teams introduced there are absent, in particular SIT Genius.
Koutei, Gouki, and Nakagami's teammates suffer from this, with Yuri and Kaworu barely averting this by being apart of the team for the Vanguard Koshien.
As Kyou is an Ascended Extra here and is still a part of Foo Fighters, Team Avengers is never formed, and his would-be teammates are never shown.
Kai and Miwa's friend Jun is absent, as is the underground fighting ring he led.
Nakamurabashi, the mandated Club-Adviser the Miyaji Vanguard Club had in the original series, isn't present here.
The Quatre-Knights aren't formed here, and as such its unclear if their members even exist in this continuity. A spinoff manga would confirm Gaillard and Neve do exist, but are simply professional fighters now.
Mechanic-wise, most of the mechanics introduced with each series have been excised, including Limit Break, Legion, and Stride. Units that possessed these abilities in the original series now either lack them entirely, or have abilities that let them simulate the mechanics without being the mechanics.
Adaptation Amalgamation: Just like the manga, it combines certain events or cards of the original series together in order to tell a more streamlined story. Foo Fighter Arc is rather downplayed since it uses many plot elements of season 1 with characters added from the first 2 seasons to give some characters more focus compared to the manga.
The High School Arc takes this further. It uses plot elements of season 3 combined with the Neon Messiah movie with cards based of season 4 units appearing.
The High School Arc Continued somehow takes this even further than the previous Arc since now even characters from the G era are appearing which starts with just Mamoru Anjou and Trinity Dragon.
The Shinemon arc also has more G characters appearing while at the same time introducing new original characters. It also follows an original story which eventually transcends into an amalgamation of Shinemon's past as Team nippon shown in G along with Rive's work with Ryuzu. Remind 29 and 30 are partially based off the Cardfight!! Vanguard G: THE PROLOGUE manga, featuring units that only appeared there, while also referencing elements from the G anime.
While it is not an outright adaptation, Extra Story -IF- has a similar premise as Legion Mate. They are both about the world's history being distorted with the main characters trying to fix it and return everything to normal. For bonus points Aichi is inside a castle which the main characters try to get him out of.
Adaptation Expansion: Compared to the manga. More time is spent focused on the characters; some elements are also added from the original series, making this a combination of both the original series and the manga.
Images 37 to 40 expand upon events that either happened off-panel or were only briefly shown in the manga, Kyou being turned into a PSYqualia Zombie and Shingo fighting against Rekka, using it as an opportunity to give increased roles to characters, namely Kai and Kamui, that were Demoted to Extra in the manga's second part.
The high school tournament in the manga was covered in the span of two chapters and mostly served as an epilogue for the story. Here, the Vanguard Koshien is expanded into being its own arc. However this is downplayed since the arc only lasted 14 episodes. On top of that only brief clips of most of the fights were shown.
Adaptational Angst Upgrade: In the original incarnation, Chrono hid his abandonment issues and the like much better, rarely letting them show, at worst letting his temper explode if he knew people were hiding things from him. Here, the loss of Rive and inability to remember what happened that night weigh heavily on him, not helped by his feeling like a burden to Mikuru. As a result, he's much more melancholic, has almost no self-confidence, and as a result, the students at his school see him less as a bully and more like the aloof kid. Upon meeting Shin and learning about his relationship to Rive, he nearly breaks down in tears over why he can't remember anything and why no one is telling him anything.
Adaptational Badass: Several characters. Aichi is far more competent as a newbie than in the original, being able to easily defeat powerful Foo Fighter fighters with ease within a week or two after starting playing.
Miwa, though in this case it's probably because he's more involved in contrast to the anime's Badass Bystander version.
Zigzagged with Morikawa. In this version, he's less skilled than his original counterpart - who was able to pull feats like mastering Kai's Kagero deck without ever seeing it before - but he's much, MUCH better at deck building. As a result, he's doing much better in fights with a far better overall score, but he's nowhere near able to pull the epic winning streaks that his old counterpart did.
Ibuki runs a Deletor deck during the season he appears in - the Delete skill is far more powerful than Lock - and he has PSYQualia to boot.
Not a spoiler for those familiar with the manga, but Kai possesses both PSYQualia AND the Grade 4 Dragonic Nouvelle Vague. Even better, neither of those is mentioned ever again, because according to him he doesn't need them.
Shinemon was a badass cardfighter in the original too being a member of Team Nippon, which Rive founded and led. In this series, Shinemon is the founder and leader and on top of that eventually surpasses Rive as its strongest member.
It's all but stated that Ryuzu Myoujin has PSYQualia; as he admits to Rive that he can hear the voices of his units and is even shown discussing with Chronofang Tiger once. Also counts as an Adaptational Superpower Change, as he was a Peacemaker in G, but lacks this power here.
Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Heavily downplayed case. In the original series, despite his aunt and her uncle knowing each other for years, there was little indication Chrono and Misaki knew about each other beforehand. Here, it's shown that while not close, Misaki did know about Chrono as a kid and spent time with him, even recognizing him when he shows up at Card Capital.
Adaptational Superpower Change: Ryuzu doesn't have his Summon Magic abilities from G, but he's heavily implied to have PSYQualia.
All over the place in regards to what decks players use. In the original series, Miwa used a Kagero deck similar to Kai's before eventually shifting to the Seal Dragons sub-clan. Here, he uses a Nova Grappler deck focused on the Hero race.
Downplayed in regards to Morikawa. In the original series, he had no set clan, rather he just loaded his deck with Grade 3s of various clans, but when G instituted the Clan Fight rule, he shifted focus to a Spike Brothers deck. Here, he uses Spike Brothers from the outset, and lacks the obsession with Grade 3s.
In the original series, because of her obsession with Kamui, Nagisa used a Nova Grappler deck. Here however, thanks to her Adaptation Personality Change, she uses a Granblue deck similar to her brother Gouki's.
In the original series, Kyou primarily used a Spike Brothers deck. Here, he instead uses a Murakumo deck comprised of cards that were Nubatama in the manga.
In the original series, Kourin primarily used a Royal Paladin deck, and temporarily used both Angel Feather and Link Joker. Here, she uses a Gold Paladin deck.
In the original series, Rekka used an Angel Feather deck focusing on the Celestial sub-clan, while Suiko used a more generic build. Here, Suiko now has the Celestial cards, while Rekka uses a Neo Nectar deck focused on the Musketeers.
ZigZagged with Shingo. In the original series, while he did repeatedly switch decks, his main deck was Murakumo. Here however he uses a Nubatama deck, one comprised of the cards he used in his Murakumo deck, the Magatsu series.
In the original series, Shinemon used a Murakumo deck built around Yasuie. Here, he uses a Genesis deck focused on the Astral Poets.
In the original, Rive solely used a Tachikaze deck focused on Gaia. Here, he primarily uses a Nova Grappler deck focused on God Hand Dragon, and temporarily uses a Gear Chronicle deck focused on Chronojet.
In the original series Emi, after using Oracle Think Tank in her few early duels, moves on to use Bermuda Triangle as her main clan. In If, she is first seen using Gear Chronicle and then Aichi's Royal Paladin deck.
Arc Words: The expression "serious fight" is repeated several times during the first arc, usually in regards to the Foo Fighters organization or by Ren and Kai. What it means vary based on who is using it.
Ascended Extra: Kyou Yahagi plays a far more important role than being an occasional villain of the week, as he guides Aichi to take down the Foo Fighters, and is heavily involved in the whole Psyquolia Zombie arc.
In the original series, Ibuki was entirely absent from the main story until the Neon Messiah movie in which he served as the Big Bad, before later becoming the Big Good in the G portion. Here, he starts out as the Wild Card amidst the battle between the Destiny Conductor and the Cardfighters, before eventually becoming the tritagonist by time of the Vanguard Koshien, and then the main character in Extra Story -If-.
Shinemon turned from a side character to the Protagonist. How's that for "Ascended Extra"?
Same goes for all his acquaintances. Mark, Rive, and Mikuru all become main characters, while in the original Mark made a once in a blue moon appearance (usually to kick ass), Rive was only random mentions and cameos, and Mikuru was a side character.
Remember Valeos the Diffrider from G? The guy who was being possessed by him becomes an important character with a key role in Rive's past.
Saya's mother of all people appears. She was only mentioned once in G.
In the original series, Suiko was the Tatsunagi sister to receive the least attention, thanks to Kourin being an Ascended Extra in Link Joker and Rekka forming a team of three with Mai and Emi. Here, Suiko not only has an expanded role as a neutral party after losing to Ibuki and commentating on current events, she becomes one of the leads opposite Ibuki in Extra Story -If-, making her a main character.
Emi finally gets to shine as one of the lead characters of Extra Story -If-.
Big Bad: As the leader of the Foo Fighters group of cardfighters, and the strongest among them, Ren is this for the first arc. However, it was Tetsu who was responsible for the events of said arc as it was him who proposed the group raids other card shops.
The second arc has a straighter example in the form of the Destiny Conductor.
Esuka is this for the first half of the Shinemon Arc, but unlike the other examples, she's just a businesswoman who wants to take over Card Capital, and eventually turns out to be an In-Universe Designated Villain (she's only seen as a villain by Shinemon) and a Reasonable Authority Figure.
The second half of the Shinemon Arc has Ryuzu taking this role since his experiments are the focal point of the story. Until it's revealed that Tatsuya is the true big bad and had been using Ryuzu the whole time.
The Extra Story -IF- Arc has the -IF- World version of Aichi Sendou taken this role due to being the leader of Jammer.
Bittersweet Ending: The Highschool arc ends this way, although with more emphasis on the "sweet" part. Aichi defeats the Destiny Conductor, ending the threat he posed to both Planet Cray and Vanguard and freeing Takuto from being possessed. Furthermore, the fate of the Conductor's own planet, Brandt, is implied to have changed for the better and Ibuki is regaining his love of Vanguard. At the same time, the Conductor's defeat causes the Tatsunagi sisters to be freed from their role as Takuto's Called Walkers but this also means that their destiny will return from normal and their friends will lose their memories of them since it will be as though their current selves will have never existed. However, Aichi and the other members of the Miyaji Cardfight Club promise to Kourin they will meet again at the Vanguard Koshien. Additionally, the fighters "deleted" by Ibuki still have their connection to Vanguard severed although it seems possible for them to eventually regain it.
The 2nd half of the Shinemon arc ends this way, although this time with more emphasis on the "bitter" part. Shinemon was able to save Tatsuya from his own self destructive behavior and Rive managed to save his son, but at the cost of himself disappearing in a portal to Cray which in turn caused Shinemon to lose the final match at the Asia Circuit due to being too shaken by the loss of his master.
Book Ends: The first fight, or at least the first one to be fully shown on screen, and last fight of the Foo Fighter arc both feature Aichi facing against Kai with Aichi even ending both fights with Blaster Blade as his vanguard.
The first scene of the past or rather the Shinemon arc shown was Tatsuya running to Card Capital, the first scene of the future is Chrono being dragged to Card Capital.
While not shown in its entirety, the fight between Emi and Kai in the final episode of -IF- is basically a repeat of the first duel between Aichi and Kai, complete with her riding Blaster Blade while Kai already got Dragonic Overlord on the field.
In the first episode of the -IF- arc, Ibuki tries to cardfight against a Jammer only to get rejected and getting saved by the Blaster Pair. In the final episode, the stage show Aichi and Emi end up being part of opens with a recreation of the same scene, with Aichi in Ibuki's place.
Bowdlerise: In the original version, it's said many times that Esuka was a Gravure Idol in her youth. As the concept of underaged girls posing in bikini is not accepted in Western culture, the English sub and dub state instead she was a swimsuit model.
Breaking the Fourth Wall: Literally every episode preview has the characters talking about the show and the audience.
Happens at least once per episode in the -If- arc: Ibuki complaining about animation errors, Shuka calling out the final summoning of each episode as "This week's final card"...
The Bus Came Back: Episode 11 of the -IF- arc marks the return of Majesty Lord Blaster, which hasn't been seen since the first season of the original series.
Call-Forward: Several are made toward the G series, especially during the continuation of the Highschool arc, such as younger versions of characters that debuted in it appearing. As shown in the third opening, Gouki and Koutei are shown to be attending Harumi High School, the same school Chrono attended from NEXT onwards, with Mamoru Anjou, Tokoha's older brother, as a fellow student.
The members of Trinity Dragon make an appearance during Dimension 5.
The preview of Dimension 7, Gouki and Koutei talk with Mamoru about his helpfulness and how they picture him slaving away at an exploitative company working under a feckless supervisor which in a way describes his role in G.
Remind 2 has Mikuru reminding Rive that he's supposed to buy diapers for his baby son whose hair can be described as a Lemniscate of Bernoulli, a mosquito coil or an archimedean spiral or in simpler terms "Swirly" which all clearly refer to Chrono.
Ryutaro Oyama likes to dress up in mascot costumes such as the chibi Valkerion, a clear reference towards the times he dressed up as Vangaro. At the end of the arc, we actually see him wearing the Vangaro costume once again.
At the end of the arc, Ryuzu gains a scar on his right eye.
If 2 has Ibuki saying he won't tell his name to Chrono even if they became friends.
The Cameo: As of Image 27, the Milky Holmes girls are back as recurring background cameos.
In Dimension 10, you can see Henri Hayao from G: Next watching the Vanguard Koshien which references his role in that season. He appears again in Dimension 12.
The girls from RAISE A SUILEN appear in Dimension 12 appear as part of the audience watching the fight between Aichi and Ren.
Nate and Jibanyan appear in the crowd during the idol concept in Remind 17.
Shion, Tokoha and Kumi appear briefly in Remind 29. In addition, Arte Hibino, Gastille's host from G:Z appears as well and is revealed to be Esuka's younger brother.
Dejiko makes a very brief appearance in the final episode of If, as a way to promote Bushiroad and Broccoli's joint partnership which started the same day as the episode aired.
Cast from Hit Points: Arch-aider, Malkuth-melekh from the Angel Feather clan. He has a powerful ability to revive three of your units from the drop zone and give power to your entire front row, but is dealt a point of damage in the process. In the anime, this is represented by Malkuth alternatively slicing off one of his own wings with his scalpel-staff, or simply tearing it off with one hand.
Chekhov's Gunman: The ULTRARARE sisters appear in the first episode in an in-universe advertisement for the card game, which is earlier than their appearance in the manga.
A flashback in Image 2 and a few shots the first ending show that when they were young, Kai and Miwa hanged with a third kid whose name isn't given. People who have read the manga or watched either Neon Messiah or G will recognize him as a young Kouji Ibuki who returns later on as an antagonist.
Tatsuya disappears for a while, only to be revealed that he's the real Big Bad.
The Chosen One: Earth and Cray both have a Singularity which allows for contact between the two worlds to happen. The Singularity of Cray is Chrono Dran and the Singularity of Earth is Chrono Shindou.
Coming of Age Story: The original plot was about Aichi going from a timid boy to a courageous youth.
The Shinemon arc is about Shinemon learning to find his desire to ultimately become a successful manager.
Competitive Balance: With the V Series reboot, every major Grade 3 unit comes with one of three Imaginary Gifts on ride. This is represented by a marker, a special card that represents the Gift. What they are depends on the clan. In addition, starting from BT05: Aerial Steed Liberation, you can now choose one of two versions of that clan's Imaginary Gift. But once you choose one version, you must stick with that type of Imaginary Gift for the remainder of the fight. For clarification, the first version is oriented vertically while the second version is oriented horizontally. Accel clans focus on offense and as a result give t