API Standard 610 Centrifugal Pumps For Petroleum Pdf
The purpose of this specification is to define a minimum common set of supplementary requirements for procurement of centrifugal pumps in accordance with ANSI/API Standard 610 11th Edition September 2010 Centrifugal Pumps, which is an identical adoption of ISO 13709:2009 with the same title, for application in the petroleum and natural gas industries.
API Standard 610 Centrifugal Pumps For Petroleum Pdf
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API 610 is the API standard relating specifically to centrifugal pumps and centrifugal pumping systems. It provides design criteria for the design of the actual centrifugal pump, as well as how the centrifugal pump is to be tested, and what type of base it is to be mounted on.
API-610 covers centrifugal pumps, and includes end suction, double suction and other types. The main focus of the API-610 is reliability, not dimensional interchangeability. This does not mean that ANSI pumps are unreliable, but rather API-610 pumps have an added aspect of robustness, due to the high temperatures and critical nature of their service.
Within the API 610 Centrifugal Pump Standard, there are various configuration codes for different types of centrifugal pumps. These are called out by a set of two letters followed by a single number. The letters are used to define the main different pump types, where OH stands for Overhung, BB stands for Between-bearings, and VS stands for Vertically Suspended. The number is used to differentiate more detailed configuration options within each section. Below are simple definitions for each API pump type. Each of the following pumps types are a sub-category of the API 610 Centrifugal Pump Standard.
API 610 says that all API pumps sold to the standard will be performance tested. There are several classes for testing API pumps. Some tests listed are outside of the API standard but are occasionally required by the buyer. These classes are outlined as follows.
API Standard 682, titled "Pumps - Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps," is the American Petroleum Institute (API) standard for end-face mechanical seals.[1] The purpose of API 682 is to assist in the selection and operation of end face mechanical seals in centrifugal pumps. It is based on the combined knowledge and experience of seal manufacturers, engineering companies, and end users. API 682 is primarily intended for use in the petroleum, natural gas and chemical industries, but is often referenced for other types of equipment and industries.[2]
By the late 1980s, mechanical seals had been accepted as the preferred method for sealing rotating pumps for many years. However, mechanical seal standards were generally buried in other standards such as DIN 24960, ANSI B73, and API 610. All of these standards were primarily pump standards and any references to seals were directed at how mechanical seals would interact with pumps.[2]
API 610 is the API standard about centrifugal pumps and is primarily intended for use in the petroleum, natural gas and chemical industries. Although the 1st through 7th Editions of API 610 included specifications for mechanical seals, beginning with the 8th Edition, API 610 defers to API 682 for seal specifications.[2]
API, an acronym for the American Petroleum Institute, is an organization that develops technical standards for oil and natural gas industries. API 610 is the centrifugal pump standard put forward by API.
Considering the demanding nature of oil and gas applications, API 610 is a necessarily stringent standard, and pumps manufactured according to API 610 consistently cost considerably more than those manufactured to meet Hydraulic Institute Standards. End-suction pumps manufactured in accordance with API 610 are comparable to ANSI pumps.
API standards include design criteria for a wide range of equipment and components. Power Zone is involved daily with the API standards relating to pumps and pump components, as well as API guidelines for pump testing and API design criteria for pump baseplate design.
Even though there is no overall rule or law that API standards must be adhered to (many pumps and equipment are built to no standard at all) the API standard is often referred to in pumping systems when the highest quality is needed.
Within the API 610 Centrifugal Pump Standard, there are various configuration codes for different types of centrifugal pumps. These are called out by a set of two letters followed by a single number. The letters are used to define the main different pump types, where OH stands for Overhung, BB stands for Between-bearings, and VS stands for Vertically Suspended. The number is used to differentiate more detailed configuration options within each section.
API 674 is the API standard relating to reciprocating positive displacement pumps and includes design criteria for both direct acting reciprocating pumps and power-frame type pumps (pumps driven by a motor via a crankshaft). The standard defines topics such as maximum and minimum speeds, pulsation and vibration control requirements, and testing requirements.