Jamestown Essay 5th Gradel _BEST_
Hanson 5th Grade ClassFebruary 8: Read 20 minutes.February 7: Read 20 minutes.February 6: Read 20 minutes.February 2: Read 20 minutes.February 1: Watsons chapters 15 and Epilogue homework due tomorrow (2/2). Complete the first 4 paragraphs of the Jamestown essay if not completed in class.January 31: Watsons chapters 15 and epilogue and corresponding packet page due Tuesday (2/1)January 26: Watsons chapters 13-14 and corresponding packet page due Tuesday (1/31)January 25: Watsons chapters 11-12 and corresponding packet page due tomorrow(1/26)January 24: Watsons chapters 11-12 and corresponding packet page due Thursday (1/26)January 23: Watsons chapters 9-10 and corresponding packet page due tomorrow (1/24)January 20: Watsons chapters 9-10 and corresponding packet page due Tuesday(1/24)January 19: Watsons chapters 9-10 and corresponding packet page due Tuesday(1/24)January 13: Watsons chapters 7-8 and corresponding packet page due Thursday (1/19)January 12: Watsons chapters 4-6 and corresponding packet page due tomorrow (1/17)January 11: Watsons chapters 2-3 and corresponding packet page due tomorrow (1/12)January 10: Watsons chapters 2-3 and corresponding packet page due Thursday (1/12)January 9: Read 20 minutesJanuary 5: Read 20 minutesJanuary 4: Read 20 minutes
Jamestown Essay 5th Gradel
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Madelyn Hyde, a sixth-grade student at Cherokee Bend Elementary, was selected as the Alabama Patriotic Education Essay winner by the National Society Daughters of Colonial Wars. She submitted an essay while in fifth grade detailing the role women played in the early Jamestown settlement.
Historian James Horn, a frequent contributor to American Heritage, is President of the Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation. Portions of this essay appeared in his recent book, 1619: Jamestown and the Forging of American Democracy (Basic Books).