Zeki Muren-Zeki Muren Full Album Zip 2021
Zeki Muren started to write songs for theatre shows and started to compose for the audience. His songKahr Mektubuwritten in 1982 will be his last triumph as a singer. The emotion in the song and the atmosphere he creates makes this one of his best songs. The feeling of hope for himself and his beloved becomes more intense in his later song Serbest. Although he has been successful in Bursa and Bodrum, he has never come to Bodrum. It is understandable for him that he has never reached Bodrum, due to the lonliness of the place. This feeling is reflected by the first lines of the song. For the first time in his life he said his beloveds name to his friend. As the song continues he waits for his beloveds response. The note of the bell rings; later on he hears her car and the music and sounds of the cassette tape comes. The lovers have a successful relationship but they cannot find a place to spend the night. They meet in a hostel but it's not suitable for lovers. At first he was overjoyed then he feels a little disturbed and tired after a sleepless night and the next morning wakes up feeling blue. Now he is exhausted of wanting to kill himself and when he looks at the women who is not close to him, he now feels his feelings die.
Zeki Muren-Zeki Muren full album zip
Berkas Kahr Mektubu(the album where the song is recorded) is released under the label of YDF in 1982. Zeki Muren was a symbol of optimism in Turkey in those times. Even though Turkey was in a harsh period with the military coups, political and economical problems. Even though the country was going through a very bad period, Zeki Muren still released his first album. In fact he survived the political problem well. In this period, the most popular songs were coming from Turkey. Deyim aleycam (I know my love), Şehse meslek etmiyor (I don't want to do job), İşiyle beraber (Together with job) etc. These songs didn't concern themselves with the political situation of Turkey. They didn't write about problems of the day. They were mainly songs which expressed the love between man and woman. Zeki Muren with his songs changed this.